Sunday 19 August 2012

Dream Destination - Audi ki saawari

The circles tangled with each other, that’s how it resembles the strings of attachment with my desire for the wheels to measure the adventurous milestones of the roads. 
The wind messing up my hair can possess the same aroma, though its effect on my senses depends upon the kind of momentary experience I may be acquiring. 
A drive for me is like a royal march on the red carpet where the spectators throw an envious eye not because of the dazzling sleekness of the car but the royal experience of the drive that not every one deserves. I may be named as an egoistic when it comes to the choice of my car, but I feel proud to be called so, as I know I deserve to be egoistic and Audi is a perfect mechanical masterpiece to match my aspirations. 
My adventure is not just to prioritize the natural beauty of the place but an eye and an heart to pierce through the beauty and get the palpable taste of it, which  I can gain only through a perfect match of drive with a perfect car and that’s none other than Audi.

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