Wednesday 22 August 2012

MSD - The story behind the scene

Dhoni is his younger days with his school team DAV Jawahar Vidyamandir

Dhoni started out as a footballer and is a cricket convert. It was only when his school didnt have a regular
wicketkeeper that his school physical exercise teacher summoned the football goalie to don the gloves.
And thatwas that.
SUITABLE BOY: Pictures from M S Dhoni’s album
Today, Dhonis known for his explosive batting. But when he was younger, that was more by compulsion than will. Dhoni used to bat lower down the order and hardly got any overs to bat. But his coach soon realised his big hitting talent and promoted him to open for the next season.
Dhoni duly obliged, hitting 213 and sharing an opening wicket partnership of 373, creating an inter- school record which locals say still stands.While still in school, Dhoni received an offer to play for RND SAIL. In fact, he was also a handy medium-pacer.
Dhoni broke into the Bihar Ranji side in 1999- 2000, but couldnt make an impression for the next three seasons because he batted lower down the order. During permanent job and worked on a stipend. He bought his first bike with this money, a second hand RX 100 Yamaha.

Tennis ball cricket champ (making of Halicopter shot)
Dhoni got an offer from South Eastern Railways in 2001. He loved Ranchi because of his family and his
close friends, but accepted the post of a ticket collector in Kharagpur (two hoursfrom Kolkata) because he
Kharagpur station where Dhoni is still listed as a Ticket Collector
needed the job. The sleepy little town, known for having the longest platform in the world, has a big railway
workshop and mostly houses Kharagpur played cricket more with the tennis ball. For big tournaments, as many as 20,000 people came to watch. Dhoni became a rage in Kharagpur for his smashes.
His famous shot, HALICOPTER SHOTa typical slog to a yorker ball, is the product of tennis ball Kharagpur was the first time Dhoni was away from home. He stayed withquarter. Since Kharagpur gets heavy rain, water snakes would enter the rooms and Dhoni was petrified of them. Mahi doesnt know how to
cook, but did all the cleaning, Dhoni is very close to his friends and hosts themat Taj Bengal whenever he
comes to Kolkata.

Dont call me if we lose
Dhoni always had breakfast at a roadside joint and loved to wander through Kharagpurs market. He is a
shy guy, basically an introvert. He loves milk and is very fond of dry fruits, adds Kumar. Dhoni also loves
chicken and chowmein.
Dhoni didnt have a TV then and used to go an STD booth to watch matches. Imagine, he is captaining some players he used tocriticise! dhoni's friends knew that Dhoni was a good player, but no one knew he would play for India, let alone lead it,  Dhoni is known for his hair, but the story goes that his close school friend Gautam Upadhyaya had long hair and Dhoni admired it. Gautamoni  advised Dhoni to grow it out
Dhoni also tires easily of his cell phone. Its always on silent. He hardly attends calls, but always checks his
smses. He gets so many missed calls,
 So how do friends getthrough?
Mahi always says Dont call me before a match or if we lose. If we win, callme the next day and I will
answer your phone

Life as a celebrity
Whenever Dhoni comes to his house, there are hundreds of girls who stand out and shout: Dhoni, I love you.
They create havoc, says Dhonis watchman. Now his house has five security guards posted outside. While the Home Guards were posted earlier, Jharkhand Police has taken over for the past two months. Dhonis brother Narendra is fed up with media queries over how much milk the family buys because of the perception that Dhoni is a milk-guzzler. After the controversy over his new construction,his parents have become reclusive.Rumours say that Dhoni is  having an astro-turf and synthetic pitch, as well as a bowling machine so he can practise whenever he is at home.

We plead with him to ride his bike
Dhonis friends swear he hasnt changed and he hasntgiven up riding his army of bikes. Nowadays he only
Dhoni used to have his daily breakfast and chai at Thomas’s tea stall
takes his bike out early in the morning, says a friend. Are they allowed to ride his super bikes? When Mahi is not around, nobody can touch his bikes. We have to plead to allow us a ride, but he gives

The personal LIFE, LIKES and DISLIKES
Dhoni is a teetotaler, but loves making pegs for his friends Has two dogs, Sam, a German shepherd and Zara, a
Labrador. Sam is named from Thats the way, Mahi way!\ the TV show I Dream Of Jeanie and Zara after the movie Veer Zara Loves to listen to Kishore Kumar and Lata Mangeshkar Is allergic to cell phones Loves chicken, milkshakes, ice-creams (he can eat three chocobars at a time) andchocolates but never eats curd.

Sunday 19 August 2012

My Mom - My World of Happiness

I see my god, I see my fate.

Me with my Mom
They say “What is fated cannot be abated”. Well, where the whole world, is dramatized with egotistic pleads and hypocritical apologies, conspiring smiles and abetting cries, deliberate errs and appalling wisdoms, where in wise wishes, does the divine fate can engrave one’s life? All seems so obscure and bewildering, when it comes to feel the impalpable existence of the chastened truth. This is the time when the world comes and gets stuck in the edge of steep end. I feel like a lifeless being, standing in the middle of the crowd, where no languages are understood, no gestures have meaning. I feel extremely scared and hide my face in my laps and bend my legs as much as I can and search for darkness. Suddenly I hear the most familiar, most healing and most divine voice with a touch that can turn the most barren lands to green heavens, the dead silence to a serenade, who on earth would it be? It‘s my mother, and I again feel like the darkness I was seeking to perish my fear was an urge to be in safest place on earth, mother’s womb. The bent knees and hidden face was the safest posture when I was in the womb. Then I realize, that this sinful world has curtained my true sight to recognize what I was searching for is what I have actually forgotten, my mother. She has always opened her arms, no matter how stained I was, who has always loved me by her heart, no matter how I had turned my face, whose voice always has my name , no matter how far I was. If any thing in this world is solely made to give, then it’s my mother who never wanted my thanks, who never wanted my sorry. She’s the reason of my true existence, a divine place where I was given a soul, a book where my fate was engraved. She was my creator, she wrote my fate, she is my god, and she is my fate. 

Dream Destination - Audi ki saawari

The circles tangled with each other, that’s how it resembles the strings of attachment with my desire for the wheels to measure the adventurous milestones of the roads. 
The wind messing up my hair can possess the same aroma, though its effect on my senses depends upon the kind of momentary experience I may be acquiring. 
A drive for me is like a royal march on the red carpet where the spectators throw an envious eye not because of the dazzling sleekness of the car but the royal experience of the drive that not every one deserves. I may be named as an egoistic when it comes to the choice of my car, but I feel proud to be called so, as I know I deserve to be egoistic and Audi is a perfect mechanical masterpiece to match my aspirations. 
My adventure is not just to prioritize the natural beauty of the place but an eye and an heart to pierce through the beauty and get the palpable taste of it, which  I can gain only through a perfect match of drive with a perfect car and that’s none other than Audi.

Biking... Dil se (Riding and Safety tips)

Sharing my experience about biking, i must say you will gonna love it.

5 important qualities that a proficient motorcyclist should possess

In my opinion as a biker I would highly urge for a biker who should have the following qualities to inevitably become a proficient biker:
  1. Intense love to ride the wheels rather than drive it: The feeling of cascaded wind on the face messing up the hairs, stimulating the zeal to tighten the grip on the handle and wedging the seat tougher with legs, these feelings can only be understood by a passionate motorcyclist.
  2. Love the mechanical miracle to be able to run on two wheels: The knowledge of what you love is equally necessary as its well maintenance decides its longevity and performance. Therefore every screw which has contributed to invent such a miraculous machine which runs on two wheels should be equally loved and cared with their proper understanding.
  3.  The unquenchable thirst of an explorer: An idle person cannot be a biker. The impalpable relation of a bike and his biker is just due to one common passion and that is to explore the unexplored places.
  4. Love the speed of two wheels but not its ability to run on one wheel: A true biker rides for his own pleasure, not for the entertainment of others. Stunts are to show off, and it’s nowhere in the diction of a true motorcyclist. As the machine performs on set rules, likewise a biker should respect the rules of traffic.
  5. A creative being who sees the world through own perspective: It may sound a bit absurd, but a true biker will never like to be seated behind, without taking the control of the grip on the road. This reveals that a true biker will always want to experience every thing in his own way.

Familiarize yourself with unfamiliar bike and start riding it.

A true biker is like a jockey who is trying on a new pony. Well, the moment I wedge it in between my legs and grip its handle and look ahead, the confidence will rise and half of the battle is won. The other most important part is the timing between the clutch, gear and accelerator. Most of the time, after knowing the gear movements, the first move doesn’t really gets familiar as the release of the clutch and the pump of accelerator doest match and with a jerk it’s stopped. I’ll take care of this. Then comes the handle part, how familiar is it on the turns? Few moments later, both the bike and the biker will be familiar with each other and will be ready to gossip with the wind.

Safe riding the main part of biking.

Bikes are not manufactured to perform stunts. Traffic rules are set not to delay the life, but to save the life. Every machine has a gear and it can’t work without it; likewise there are gears for riding either, so a helmet should be wore inevitably. 

Activity to make motor cycling a safe and fun in India

I would like to organize a bike rally strictly based on an environment awareness campaign, just for a simple example “No plastic”, and target the cities, schools and colleges. It will also include the promotion and exhibition of true riding gears, like fashionable helmets, leather pants, riding goggles, boots etc. In fact these all will be the dress code for the participant riders. In Addition to these there will short educational campaigns regarding the riding disciplines. The rally will also emphasize on setting up small riding clubs on every place and abide them by the laws of riding clubs where riding disciplines will be the prominent terms and conditions of membership.

Mahi Met Dhoni

Everyone throughout their lives keep on chasing dreams,  dreams that pump us with the power to achieve bigger and better.  And when we do live these dreams they become the cherished memories for  a lifetime giving us all the joy and happiness .
 I myself had a long held dream, a wish that millions have yet only the fortunate few are able to live it. Meeting Mahendra singh Dhoni or our beloved Mahi was my dream. The iconic youth sensation and the king of all hearts was my heartthrob and I only wished to meet him someday and as they say dreams do come true. I still am not able to fathom that I witnessed such a fine day and was fortunate to spend a whole day with my superstar.
For the past 5 years what not I had done just to had a glimpse of my hero. I was such a diehard fan of Dhoni  that I even made up an album collection of his more than 10000 pictures . I never missed an opportunity in hand to get any chance to meet him and finally I got one that gave me something to cherish for my lifetime. It was a contest organized by Sonata for all the diehard fans of mahi to get once in a lifetime opportunity to meet their favorite cricketer and I couldn’t afford to miss such a golden chance. I'd to upload a video, play few games on it and aggregate as abounding points as i could, and 11 winners were called all over from India with the Maximum points and Luckily I was one of them. I was overwhelmed with joy and could hardly fathom my luck to have provided me such a glorious opportunity. My days went by thinking about things I would say to mahi when I meet him and the excitement to meet him was all that was gripping my mind. I was informed by the organizers that the meet was to organized on 27th of November at the Taj and all I knew was that its gonna be the best day of my life. I booked my air tickets as fast as possible and edited a poster of mahi to present it to him. I also completed my album to show it to him and can’t wait a moment for the glorious day to arrive.
And finally the big day arrived to I reached the taj hotel to have the time of my life. After having the breakfast I couldn’t resist the anxiety to meet Mahi and few moments later, in front of me there stood my hero with an adorable smile on his face that left me spellbound. I couldn’t wait to greet my hero and express my craziness for him. Then came the moment when I was able to shake hands with the heartthrob and my heart skipped a beat. It was magical. 

I handed him the poster I edited and also showed him the album I had made and all he could say to me was “WOW..!”.

I then posed for a couple of pictures with him and he handed me a memento of gratitude and it felt like heaven.

Then Dhoni interacted and chatted with all the winners and answered all we asked him from his family to stardom to being the captain of Indian team. I was fun indeed and finally we headed towards the dining area where we had lunch together and shared few light hearted conversations.

Then everyone assembled for the group photographs and now it was time to bid adieu to most beloved cricketer of  the nation.

Then I asked mahi for an autograph and he readily fulfilled my desire by signing my Nokia N8i phone. 

To this day even I wake up looking at the phone reliving memories that mean a lot to me. I just wished for time to stand still and let me savor the moments but as all things, good times too come to an end.
It was time to return to home with memories to relish for a lifetime filled in my heart. Although parting was sad yet I had already lived my dream and I was the happiest person on the planet. Goosebumps ran through my body as I realized that what I witnessed was indeed true.

Saturday 18 August 2012

The moment when i was in DHONI

 2 April 2011 the moment when I was in Dhoni.

It was the time which I could set against my memories and boast in future that I was there to witness the most glorious
historical cricket ever played by India. I wonder how a small game can defeat all the writers, Great public speakers
and great political leaders on their constant endeavor to deliver a single message of patriotism all over the country
with their revolutionary speeches, writings and visionary statements. I would never forget that dreamy glimpse of
those dazzling faces of Indian cricketers while they were making a new history in the golden pages of Indian cricket
in the world cup-2011. The hearts and the prayers of nearly more than 200 crores people of the whole world were eyed
on a single player, the legendary captain of Indian cricket team Mahindra Singh Dhoni. The prolonged awaited reincarnated
spirit of the world cup winner captain after 1983 was been expected to be carried by Dhoni. It seemed like the whole world
of Indians were stuck on the edge of a new start or a new end and Dhoni was the one to touch the ribbon with his chest.
I forgot my work, my family, my religion, my caste, my boundaries, my past, my present and my future, in whole, all the
Indians had forgotten everything on what they truly existed in this world and were waiting for Dhoni to swing his bat in
the whole world covering it under the shadow of the tricolor flag of India. I felt myself in Dhoni, in fact I bet every
Indian would have felt the same which again made me heavier, but I knew this was the time for which I was destined as an Indian,
I was been awaited, the faces of diverse races, religions, castes, provinces, locations,
all but Indian could be seen as hallucinations in front of my eyes, all quietly screaming “You are an Indian, So you can do it”.
 The historical swing was waved and the historical sound of the ball hitting the bat was heard,
I closed my eyes and prayed like I ‘d never done before, the whole world was dead for a moment for me,
I even forgot cricket and only remembered India, the crowd screamed and I opened my eyes,
it was a six! What is “six”? It was a win, win for India, Win for those faces, win for those different religions and caste,
win for my team and at last win for me, Now, I felt me in myself and I could see Dhoni as an other Indian.
I screamed like I will not need my voice anymore, I jumped like I will not need my legs any more,
I hugged and squeezed everyone whom I had been oblivion of for few hours and thanked God,
I bet even the orthodox atheist did that on that particular day.

Change the GAME

Change is the only constant thing in this world. The wind of change along with it, replaces old memories with new and more refreshing glimpses, ruled with exceptional likes and dislikes. Giving it a name of a game, the postures change with the inclination of the new generation’s affectionate addiction to sports. This game axiomatically has been well observed by Pepsi since years. Their endeavor to catch the right momentum in gaining the favor of social advocacy liquidating it to social currencies has been gaining perfection to fuel the gaming zeal of new generation. Without the slightest clue of departure from cricket Pepsi has now made their “game” more socially advanced by adding a promotional campaign of football wisely scrutinizing the change in the wind of game lovers. So “change the game” rightfully refers not to the sports but the game of Pepsi to customize the sentiments of sports lovers for its best campaigning results to enliven their enthusiasm for football. The season has begun where the images with full trousers have been replaced by shorts exhibiting the concealed power in the contracted muscle tissues of legs wearing the nailed boots, ready to deliver a power kick to let the ball fly like a bullet shot out of the barrel. It’s an opportunity the live the oldest fiver of sports that was prolonged concealed and had been alternatively veiled by cricket. Pepsi T20 footwall will certainly re-invent the fiver in a more fashionable way where there have been certain changes in the rules of the game, all but focused taking into consideration the aspirations of game lovers to emerge the best entertaining results out of it.

So let’s get ready to roll on our couches generating the tickle in our legs to fantasize the delivery of the powerful kicks to shoot the ball through the narrow passage between the posts cheating the eyes of the goalie.